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Dr. Connie Omari

Tech Talk Therapy

Hi. I’m Dr. Omari, but most of my clients call me Dr. O.

Before you continue reading, please know that I am not your “everyday” kind of therapist.

I’m not going to devote a majority of this section to list all of my credentials. After all, your treatment is not about me, it’s about you. Besides, I know that what you really want is to know a) who am I to trust myself with helping you and b) what inspires me to work with trauma clients. I’ll briefly summarize the answer to the 2nd question for you, but let’s start with the good stuff first.

I love working with clients with these struggles because I’ve been there. I get it both personally and professionally and it’s a major reason that I wanted to provide counseling.

Through my own challenges, I have learned many skills designed to promote wellness and I believe that no matter how hard things can get, everyone has the ability to “overcome,” including you. Sometimes, we just need a little help.

And I can help.

I’ve learned through experience, the importance of validation and support, and know more than anything, that that’s what all people look for when they are looking for help.

I have no problem confronting you, but note that I can take as much is I give out. In fact, I welcome confrontation, as it will not only help me be more therapeutic, but will empower you with the skills that you need in order to manage yourself outside of the therapeutic setting.

We’ll laugh (a lot). I’m not afraid to talk about anything you need to talk about. Money? Racism? Incest? Cellulite? Fornication? Constipation? After so many years in this field nothing surprises me!

And to answer the very first question: Yes, I do know what I’m doing. I love what I do and I’m good at it.

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