The Ultimate Self Care Bundle

The Ultimate Self Care Bundle includes the following classes:

Decrease Feelings of Anxiety & Stress With Technology Featuring Timmesha Butler
Recent research studies have shown the connection between the use of technology and social medical and rates of stress and depression. As a result of this, some people over generalize and refrain from using their resources in a way that can be helpful to them. The class will show participants how they can use technology and tech related resources to decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.

Create Peace - Piecing Together Creativity and Mindfulness for Inner Wellness Featuring Chalice Nelson
This seminar serves to support you in overcoming self-doubt through mindfulness and tapping into your creative abilities to help you feel free, in alignment with your life's vision and enhance your self-care practices.

While in this seminar you can expect:
1. To engage in a visualization practice to support the acknowledgement of peace
2. Identify 1-2 mindfulness skills to reduce self-doubt.
3. Learn 2-3 ways to apply one's creative abilities to their psychological self-care routines.

SOULCARE: The art of tending to our mind, our will, and our emotions Featuring Destini Love
In this class we will:
-define the soul and SoulCare
-discuss the importance of tending to the soul
-identify things that negatively and positively impact our Soul
-learn strategies to heal from a wholistic perspective

Diet Culture Featuring Destini Love
Participants will learn the importance of creating a healthy lifestyle by ditching the diet and creating movement and healthy habits.


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